Books about electric boats and how to proceed with electrifying your boat. We have not read all of these books, but have gone through reviews and weeded out those that did not have good reviews. Notification: Plugboats receives an affiliate commission from Amazon for each purchase.
The Electric Boats Book Jeff Butler
From the Editor of Plugboats, this downloadable e-book book covers everything you need to know about electric boats in a simple, no-jargon way that is understandable by anyone. With 80+ pages of information on motor technology, understanding batteries, outboards, inboards, saildrives, pod and hybrid motors, solar boats, hydrofoiling and more, it helps you understand all electric propulsion and how it is the wave of the future. When you purchase The Electric Boats Book, you will receive all updates at no extra charge – and there will be lots of updates as new products like improved battereis, hydrogen fuel cells, charging stations and more come on the market.
Electric Boats and Ships: A History Kevin Desmond
Electric propulsion for boats was developed in the early 19th century and–despite the advent of the internal combustion engine–continued with the perfecting of the modern turbo-electric ship. Sustainable and hybrid technologies, pioneered in small inland watercraft toward the end of the 20th century, have in recent years been scaled up to create integrated electric drives for the largest ocean-going vessels. This comprehensive history traces the birth and rebirth of the electric boat from 1835 to the present, celebrating the Golden Age of electric launches, 1880-1910.
A MUST read “Well illustrated, meticulously written and researched, this book is a guaranteed ‘must’ on the bookshelves of all who have interest in this subject.”
Solar Electric Boats: Plan, Build and Benefit by Sandith Thandasherry
Author Sandith Thandasherry is the man behind Navalt Solar Boats and the Aditya solar commuter ferry that won the first Gustave Trouvé Awards for Electric Boats and Boating in the category ‘Electric Boats Designed for Paying Passengers’. With the mind of an engineer Mr. Thandasherry clearly outlines all of the aspects and details that need to be considered for the physics of a solar boat. At the same time he brings the experience of an entrepreneur who achieved success by understanding the needs and desires of both private investors and government officials.
Best study book on the subject “It is one of those books that achieves two goals. It is general enough to be understood by the novice, but also detailed enough to provide food for thought and specific guidance for the expert.”
Imagine a voyage along England’s best-loved river, the Thames – but on SUNLIGHT, not diesel or petrol. No noise, no nasty emissions! This was the author’s dream, and he turned it into reality by designing and building a 22ft catamaran powered by four solar panels. Paul and his wife Rike launched “Solar Flair” near the source of the Thames in Gloucestershire, and cruised 124 miles to London on SUNLIGHT. They were the first to do it. This is a picture book as much as a story, with 80 pages in full colour, including 108 photographs – a light read about a joyful experience.
DIY Lithium Batteries: How to Build Your Own Battery Packs
Micah Toll
Are you a hands on person? Do you prefer making things yourself? Are you working on a project that requires lithium batteries?
If so, then this book is for you! We’ll cover everything you need to know about lithium batteries. From choosing the right cells to designing a battery pack and building it yourself, this book includes all the steps for building safe, effective custom lithium battery packs.
Building a Lipo power source? Get this book “Americans have been writing good DIY books for over 130 years. I have a collection. Trouble is they tend to address the how and spend little time on the why. This book is different. It’s broadly split into two sections, one discussing batteries and what works best. Call this the “why”. The writing is simple and there is NO jargon. That said, the knowledge is very detailed and is essential to building an effective, safe battery.“
Understanding Boat Design Ted Brewer
If one boat has a round bottom and another’s is veed, what difference does it make in the way they perform? How big an engine and propeller will it take to move that powerboat? What elements make a boat safe, or comfortable?
Understanding Boat Design has been the place to look for quick, uncomplicated answers since 1971. Founder of the Yacht Design Institute, a highly respected designer for more than 30 years, and a frequent contributor to SAIL, Cruising World, and other magazines, Ted Brewer has again revised his classic primer. This new volume has been greatly expanded and contains information on many aspects of design that were not even thought of twenty years ago.
Five Stars “Excellent overview of design from an excellent designer. Takes concepts and goes from simple to a detailed level.“
The Propeller Handbook: The Complete Reference for Choosing, Installing, and Understanding Boat Propellers Dave Gerr
On the surface, choosing the correct propeller for a particular boat seems simple. But one factor affects another, which then affects another factor, leading many boaters to believe that propeller selection depends more on black magic than logic.
All the questions are answered in this complete reference, the first of its kind. This clear, easy-to-use handbook for all small boats is written not for Ph.D.s seeking the latest wrinkle in high-tech propeller design, but as a practical aid for the average mechanic, engineer, boatbuilder, fleet operator, serious yachtsman, or naval architect.
Comprehensive and understandable “I needed to re-prop and there is nobody in the country with the information I needed for my 15 meter full displacement boat. I learned enough from this book and some study of the contents to do a very satisfactory calculation for a new prop. Is it perfect ? I do not know, but it is certainly better then what I had ! Very informative as well.”